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Bee Clubs in Michigan

Below is a list of links for bee clubs and other bee related information.

Let’s Talk

If you would like to be added to any of these lists, please contact us and we'll add you to the list. 269-665-4300 or E-mail.

Garden Club Links

Kalamazoo Wild Ones

Native plants are part of our rich natural heritage here in Southwest Michigan. The Kalamazoo Area chapter of Wild Ones was established to help inform, educate and offer resources to people interested in learning about native plants. There simply isn’t enough protected or potentially protectable land to depend on its saving our birds, mammals, amphibians and insects, including pollinators.

Michigan Bee Producers

Great Lakes Bee Supply - (269) 665-4300

Michigan Queen Producers

Charlotte, MI - Rusty Rhodes (231) 245-3039

Charlotte, MI - Rusty Rhodes (231) 245-3039

Battle Creek, MI - Jason Lemon - (269) 599-4517

Battle Creek, MI - LeRoux Farms - (269) 209-8401

Michigan Honey Producers

NUCS & Packages

KHA Bees - (989) 506-2745 - Mt. Pleasant

Beekeepers willing to mentor

Swarm Removal

KHA Bees - (989) 506-2745 - Mt. Pleasant

Battle Creek, MI - Jason Lemon - (269) 599-4517

Battle Creek, MI - LeRoux Farms - (269) 209-8401

Hive Services

© 2025 - Great Lakes Bee Supply is a subsidiary of Great Lakes General Store Inc.

Call anytime!



33 W. Battle Creek Street

Galesburg, MI 49053

Located INSIDE Great Lakes General Store.


Kalamazoo Bee Supply, Beekeeping Supply, Michigan Bee Supplies, Grand Rapids Bee Supply, Lansing Bee Supply, Lansing Beekeeping Supplies, KVCC Bee Classes

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